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Bog Wood allows you to create a natural and exotic setting in your freshwater aquarium or terrarium . It has a beautiful texture and comes in many shapes and sizes.

Can also be used in floral displays for dramatic and unusual designs.

Our bogwood comes in sizes from small to medium.



About Bogwood

Bogwood is just wood from fallen branches and tree trunks. It would float initially, but over time it takes on water, becomes water-logged and sinks. Once underwater it’s used by many catfish species to hide under during the day, many of them mimicking the wood pattern and shapes as part of their camouflage.

Bogwood can be made up of wood species from all over the world, but select bogwood from aquatic stores to make sure its safe to be submerged with fish


Like all wood it contains tannins which may colour the water. So before use clean the wood in boiling water, and then leave to soak for around 7 days. If you still experience a taint in the aquarium water, use an activated carbon media to counteract the problem.

Bog wood comes in all shapes and sizes, so every piece is unique.

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